After making sure all of your supporting docs are available & complete, you can begin the process of finding a lender that fits your needs. (REMEMBER: Before searching for lenders it is best to get your credit score up to the "Good" to "Excellent" range. Your high credit scores with give you more leverage with the lenders you find.) These basic steps below will get you started on the process of finding the right lender for you... 1 - Learn the basics of the Mortgage lending landscape 2 - Determine type of lender you need 3 - Ask People you trust 4 - Find Online and Brick & Mortar lenders to compare 5 - Research lenders you find (Check Licenses & Company) 6 - Compare rates from several mortgage lenders. (APR, Interest Rates & Fees) 7 - Ask the right questions 8 - Contrast & Compare Rate Lock guidelines 9 - Read the details in fine print VISIT LINK BELOW FOR MORE INFO:


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